Weed, also known as marijuana, was legalized after the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill by Donald Trump. The weed plant consists of over 100 cannabinoids, but the most popular ones are cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol.

THC contains psychoactive properties and is responsible for causing the euphoric sensation. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive, so it doesn’t cause a ‘high.’ CBD is the legalized cannabinoid of weed plant which is available in the United States and other countries.

To help you know everything about the CBD, we have come up with the evidence-based pros and cons of it. Let’s have a look!

The Pros:

1. May Reduce Depression and PTSD

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Using weed helps the consumer to relax. Research has shown that it is effective for individuals who have post-traumatic stress, anxiety, or depression.
Nonetheless, the most effective delivery methods and dosages have yet to be determined by researchers.
CBD is currently on the trend and has some incredible benefits for people looking for an alternative to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

2. May Help Individuals with Epilepsy

A 2017 study found that CBD oil, a drug extracted from marijuana, helped minimize seizures in children with Dravet syndrome (a rare form of epilepsy). It was successful research because children and young adults who obtained CBD oil reported a significant reduction in seizure frequency from 12.4 to 5.9 each month.

In this study, Epidiolex was used, which is the only CBD approved medicine by the FDA. It was manufactured to treat Lennox Gestaut Syndrome and Dravet Syndrome. However, this CBD product cannot make you high because it does not contain THC.

3. May Decrease Chronic Pain

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The relief of pain is one of the reasons why marijuana is becoming famous for consumption. Pain can be one of three ways — acute, severe, and temporary, or chronic. It could last for days or even years. Opiates are typically prescribed for patients who are suffering from discomfort. Yet over the months, the body has a sneaky way to develop a tolerance for these medications. This allows the person to increase their dose. The drawback of consuming opiates is it can cause sedation and nausea, which can affect long-term users.

On the other hand, many cancer patients have vomiting and nausea due to chemotherapy. The preclinical study suggests that CBD is useful for alleviating nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy and other therapeutic treatments.

4. Maybe a Safer Alternative to Opioids

Given the widespread misconception that marijuana is a gateway drug, evidence has shown that using medicinal marijuana is a safer alternative to opioids.
According to a study, opioids do not work on chronic pain. On the other hand, there is only anecdote evidence that CBD is effective to reduce pain. Doctors don’t usually recommend using weed for pain as there is not enough information, but research is still going on about it.

5. May Have Anti-Cancer Effects

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In a 2017 research, cancer patients who drank, smoked, or vaped weed were participants.
The majority of weed consumers reported having marijuana due to stress or stomach pain. More than 1⁄4 of the patients said they believed that marijuana was treating their cancers. While a small number of patients reported improvement in the use of marijuana, minimal information on cannabis is still available on cannabis use in oncology.

6. May Relieve Arthritis Pain

Gregory Gerdeman, a former assistant professor of biology at Eckerd College, says that studies of patients suggest marijuana can alleviate arthritis inflammation and pain.

This may also encourage sleep, which may help to relieve discomfort.
Researchers working in rheumatology units in various hospitals have provided Sativex (a pain-relieving cannabis-containing medicine) to certain patients to see what happens after two weeks. After two weeks, patients indicated a significant decrease in their discomfort, which allowed them to get more sleep.

The Cons:

1. Might Disturb Your Focus

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The TCH found in cannabis may mess with the cerebellum part of your brain that regulates your balance and posture.

Using marijuana disturbs these areas, making it hard for you to talk and walk properly. The eye-hand coordination of consumers will also feel at a high altitude.
Using weed before driving is not suggested because it can be risky. Therefore, avoid smoking weed to stay focused on the road and driving.

2. May Cause Panic

Although people use it for treating the anxiety issues, it has been scientifically proven that consuming weed may cause panic attacks or other anxiety-related conditions.
According to a recent study, long-term consumption of CBD can increase the risk of panic attacks and a lifetime diagnosis of panic disorder.

More often than not, a link between panic and cannabis can be found in the amount that a person uses, either in one sitting or in his or her daily consumption. The user builds too much THC in their system, and their body has a difficult time processing it. This sometimes causes the user to have paranoia.

Around 30 percent of CBD consumers experience distrust and intense fear after using it. These are the most common side effects of the overconsumption of weed. When an overdose occurs, it is best to remain calm, to sleep, and to wait for time to pass. Some people are sensitive to THC, and even a small amount can cause panic. Typically, this is due to the way that cannabinoids interact with the chemicals in their brains.
For most patients, the best solution is to reduce consumption.

3. May Lead to Respiratory Diseases

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Smoking weeds regularly by many people is a significant cause of the increased risk of chronic coughing.

A 2014 study exploring the relationship between cannabis use and lung disease suggests that smoking can cause respiratory problems. According to this research, it is clear that both habitual and regular smoking is harmful and that people should avoid the overuse of marijuana.

Where to Buy CBD?

If you are looking for the original and best quality CBD or weed product, BudStars is the platform to rely on. They offer 100% natural, CO2 extracted, and non-GMO CBD products to their clients. Just choose the right manufacturer with third-party labels, and you will have the key to a healthy lifestyle. So, what are you thinking? Place your order now and enjoy having better health.