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When we describe our accomplishments and work experience in a resume, special emphasis is often placed on verbs. For you to achieve success, they should be as vivid and specific as possible. Thus, the recruiters and future employers will have an idea of the results you have accomplished in your workplace.

By adding power verbs to your resume, you can significantly increase your chances to draw the hiring manager’s attention. No doubt, the best way to stand out from the crowd of other applicants is to craft a winning CV. And for that purpose, more and more job seekers turn to professional resume writer services like for help these days. Getting professional help is an easy and sure way.

But, if you want to know all the ins and outs of improving your resume yourself, read on. We have prepared a list of the power verbs with a detailed description of when to use each of them. You will definitely find something for yourself!

1. Replace Improved with Something More Specific

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Surely, in your previous job, you influenced a variety of processes. And if they became faster and better, the first word that comes to mind when describing them might be improved. However, this one is so common and non-specific, that the recruiter might simply overlook it. So, choose a more precise verb:

  • Increased;
  • Integrated;
  • Implemented;
  • Updated;
  • Introduced (a program);
  • Augmented;
  • Generated (use when it comes to profit).

At this point, you will definitely need to mention KPIs or tasks that were set for you in your previous job. Remember to use facts, figures, specific indicators, results, and statistics.

Verbs with the prefix re- have power as well: redesigned, restructured, reorganized, etc. They are used in cases where you have changed something and this has led to improvements. The verb transformed can be used with the same meaning.

However, not all indicators have to be increased. Thus, use reduced and minimized when writing about business risks, expenses, legal or financial debts.

2. Avoid Using Was Responsible For

Job seekers often use the phrase was responsible for, but it sounds rather colloquial and trivial. It’s recommended to replace it with took full responsibility for, especially if you managed entire projects.

Other options are:

  • Performed (duties);
  • Acted as (played a role);
  • Undertook (took on responsibilities);
  • Took on the challenge of (took on the task of solving…).

If you were leading a process, a project, or an entire department, you can use:

  • Supervised;
  • Was a key player in (played a key role in);
  • Led the effort to;
  • Launched;
  • Volunteered to lead (offered to lead the activity).

3. Communicated With Isn’t a Great Option

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Of course, in your previous place of work, you communicated with a great number of people. However, by using this word, you aren’t showing the employers the results of this communication and cooperation. There are more precise verbs, such as:

  • Consulted;
  • Liaised with;
  • Advised;
  • Negotiated.

These words are powerful when it comes to interactions with clients, employees, or other stakeholders. Describing your work with the customers, you can go further and mention your responsibilities more precisely:

  • Resolved a problem;
  • Addressed queries/questions (resolved customer issues);
  • Negotiated;
  • Succeed in;
  • Influenced (someone’s decision).
  • Managing Projects/Teams

When it comes to management, you can be more precise using:

  • Directed;
  • Facilitated (in the case of a process);
  • Led;
  • Coordinated;
  • Executed;
  • Headed;
  • Trained (e.g. 14 managers);
  • Oversaw (especially if you took responsibility for the whole department).
  • In Case You Studied Something

If you have been digging into something, trying to find solutions, choose these verbs:

  • Assessed;
  • Analyzed;
  • Examined;
  • Developed (a concept)
  • Audited (if you have checked something);
  • Studied;
  • Tracked;
  • Tested;
  • Calculated;
  • Identified.

4. Speaking Of Reports

At work, we often deal with reports and presentations, and this is definitely worth mentioning in the resume.

  • When writing about the report, use compiled;
  • When it comes to research, use conducted;
  • As for the presentation, it’s better to use delivered;
  • And if you not only conducted it but also created the visual part, then use design.

5. Verbs To Indicate Your Achievements

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Of course, any employer pays attention to the practical results of your work. When using the verbs below, stick to a specific format: verb plus concrete numbers (results).

  • Accelerated;
  • Has reached;
  • Lowered;
  • Eliminated;
  • Expanded;
  • Has gained;
  • Produced;
  • Raised;
  • Maximized;
  • Optimized;
  • Sold;
  • Modernized.

Keep in mind that without data and specifics, these verbs can lead to total misunderstanding.

6. Common Mistakes

When writing a resume, lots of candidates make a popular mistake by being shy to show their successes and experiences. Thus, many career advice experts recommend not shying away from showing your full potential.

Power verbs can certainly help you with that, but all of them are meaningless without reasoning. Remember: the quality of the power words is more important than their quantity. Your resume should highlight a logical connection between your actions and results.

So, when describing job responsibilities and key skills, it is best to support them with specific examples (indicators and numbers, for instance). Use bulleted lists to make your resume more structured and easier to read.

To Wrap It Up

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Examples have a key role in any resume. Therefore, if you claim that you are an expert in a certain field, confirm this with a list of published works, articles, reports, and speeches on the topic.

If your resume says that you are experienced, then indicate when exactly you started your career. Many applicants often claim that time-management is their strength. To prove it, mention how many projects you managed at the same time, how long it took, and what was the result.

Be bold and proud of what you have accomplished and what you can do. Yet, there is no need to embellish your achievements and lie either. After all, all qualifications you described in the resume can be easily verified during the interview. You may be asked to comment on each phrase, or provide factual evidence of your words.