Cannibalism – Survival of the Fattest

Fatty or Skinny? It’s a question that has dogged us since the dawn of time. Should I eat Fatty or Skinny? Fatty would go further, but Skinny would probably

Weird IPhone Apps

One of the coolest aspects of owning one of Apple’s iPhones is the apps or applications that run on the phone. These aps like mini computer applications offer

18 of the Most Absurdly Expensive Toys in the World

Everyone loves toys. It’s okay, you can admit it, whenever you find yourself in a department store you at least wander past the toy section and sneak a look at the latest action figures adorning the shelves. Of course, while those toys are getting pretty expensive in their own right at this point, they don’t hold a candle to some toys that are out there on the market, or even some of the toys you

The Weird Experiences of 7 Dead Bodies

Living is hard, dying is easy. And you would think being dead would be easiest of all. But as the weird experiences of these seven people show, sometimes death

5 Terrifying Things That Happened Behind the Scenes of Horror Movies

If horror movies are scary and terrifying, can you imagine how it must be to film them? You have to spend weeks on set all day, and the atmosphere and feeling of the scary movie can definitely mess with your head. Some movies are so scary that certain unnatural things happened during filming. Check out some of the most bizarre and terrifying things that happened behind the scenes of some famous ho

5 Disturbing Ways Social Media Is Controlling Your Mind

Social media has created a revolution in the way we socialize and live our lives. Most people use social media every day and everyone is connected, no matter how far away from each other they actually are. However, over the years, some information has come to light involving the dangers of social media and how companies might be using various psychological tricks to get us to keep using their prod