3 Bizarre Tales of Alien Abduction

It all began in the early 1960s, when Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have been kidnapped by extraterrestrials and subjected to bizarre medical procedures.

10 Most Realistic Transvestites

There are men in this world that would simply look better as a woman. Then there are those men that can pass for a woman. Those are the realistic

5 Alien Characteristics That Science Disproves

A wise man once said that science is like the blabbermouth who ruins the ending to a movie. Science just has a way of ruining things: dreams of flying cars, religious dogma and even our beloved cinematic aliens…

Five Plant Defense Mechanisms (That Backfired)

We don't actually get most of our drugs from labs, believe it or not. No, we get most of our drugs from the natural world, namely plants. And most of those

The 5 Weirdest Things People Have Fallen in Love With

1. The Berlin WallIn the last months of 1989, as the Berlin Wall came down and Germans were tearfully reunited with long lost friends and family, most people

The Ancient Astronaut Theory: a Primer

The ancient astronaut theory states that extraterritorial beings have made contact with Earth several times during our early history and provided us with

6 Amazing Facts About Penisses

Penisses. Now that we have your attention, we have some pretty awesome facts about dicks. Prepared to be aroused and engorged… by facts!

Crazy Celebrity Baby Names

The oddities of celebrity behavior never fails to completely baffle me, and this extends into the crazy baby names that they come up with for their children.

18 Bizarre Phobias People Actually Have

It’s natural to be scared of things. After all, it’d be a little ludicrous to never get frightened, whether your fears revolve around sharks, snakes, spiders, death, or, most understandably of all, clowns. But even with the often very reasonable and understandable phobias out there, people have reportedly been terrified of the most peculiar and seemingly innocuous things imaginable over the years,

4 of the Scariest Things in Space

We spend a lot of time worrying about the unknown aspects of our universe, like the existence of aliens. Meanwhile, things that we should worry about are