9 Awesome Sky Cities (And Why We Love Them)

From the moment we first perceived a city floating free in the air like a spaceship, but not quite in space, we knew the way that we wanted to live in the

6 Recurring Fashion Trends That Should Just Go Away

Ah yes, fashion. Who hasn't had the desire to look really swank at least once in their lifetime? Saught by many but captured by few, fashion the completely

6 Types of Halloween Costumes Analyzed

Isn’t it great when that holiday comes around once a year where people step out of their normal clothing routines, allowing you to completely judge a

5 Disasters and How They’ll Kill You in the Opposite Way You’d Think

If there is one thing that man’s history has revealed, it’s that the world doesn’t really like us. It’s constantly bombarding us with hurricanes and

6 Classic Hoax Images

Photography, the art of capturing a single moment of time forever, is at its best when it is being horribly abused by pranksters and no-goodnicks. Whether it's

Top 5 Most Confusing Company Mascots

Nearly every company that has been around long enough has a popular and easily identifiable mascot. Energizer has their Energizer Bunny which nauseously keeps

5 Fashion Trends That Double as Self Defense

It's not always easy being a woman. Sure, you have the benefit of certain assets that can be used for fun or profit when dealing with members of the opposite

Five Strange Fundraising Ideas

Every charity has the relentless problem of money. How to spend it? How to use it? And most importantly, how to get more of it, because there never seems to be

5 Not So Super (Real Life) Heroes & Villains

Who wouldn’t want to live in a world occupied by superheroes and super villains? Okay maybe not the villains so much. Still, imagine never having to worry

5 Blatant Toy Commercials Disguised as Kids Shows

If you wish to put out a television show and market it to kids, you basically have two options: gently educate them, or suck their parents for every dollar they