8 Ancient Pirate Mysteries That Were Never Solved

Back in the past, as the sailing technology was gradually developing, many people set off to explore the seas and oceans for various purposes. Some wanted to discover and colonize new lands, others were trying to profit from trading with other nations. But, hidden in the shadows, there were some people whose only goal was to get rich by plundering and stealing at sea. Those nasty and merciless peo

20 of the Most Terrifying Things Kids Have Ever Said

Kids say the darndest things, as the old saying goes. They also say some of the most horrifying things, as well. Most of the time it’s just because they don’t know any better, but now and then something slips out that is positively freaky, and it seems like just about everyone has heard a story about something they said, a friend said, or even their own kids have said that scared them witless. Ove

The Origins of 10 Mythical Animals

Where do cryptids come from? Is it merely mistaken identity? Out-right hoaxes? Misunderstanding nature? Those are the most common answers, but despite this belief continues around the world in animals that never existed. Here's a list of ten and where their mistaken origins come from.

6 Most Mysterious Gold Artifacts

The great Christopher Columbus once claimed that a person who owned something made of gold actually possessed a substance which could help take souls to paradise. Since ancient times, gold was frequently given as a reward for great achievements and was known as a symbol of the divine, and a symbol of wealth and power. Various gold artifacts from the past are still a mystery to many researchers and

5 Strange Haunted Places in America

Spooks. Phantoms. Ghosts. Spirits. Why there are dozens of names for unearthly apparitions that have evidently been seen for thousands of years without a shred of hard evidence. And when it comes to ghost sightings, America (much like in warfare and obesity statistics) is leading the way.

8 Mysterious Lands That Were Lost in the Ocean

Today, our planet looks completely different compared to 335 million years ago. In fact, there was only one giant continent back then, and it is known as Pangaea. Over time, Pangaea started to separate into multiple smaller landmasses which eventually become the continents we know today. As the massive land was breaking down and changing its looks, not all its parts remained on the surface. Unfort

5 Strangest Superstitions About Black Cats From Around the World

Of all the urban legends and superstitions we encounter or hear about every day, the myths surrounding black cats are perhaps the most common, and almost everyone fears the day when a black cat could cross their path and bring them years of terrible luck. Black cats have had quite a bad reputation over the years, and they will forever remain a total paradox, so here are some really weird legends f

5 Mass Disasters That Were Connected to Bizarre Supernatural Events

Sadly, mass tragedies occur way too often, and when a disaster of a large scale happens, the whole world is there to see it unfold. Everyone is familiar with stories of supernatural and paranormal events happening in private events or to only one person, but what happens when the paranormal is connected to a mass disaster? Is it just a coincidence or is there more to it? Here are some stories abou

5 Bizarre Secret Texts Hidden Right in Front of Us

The world is full of strange objects and artifacts from the past that took a long time to find but were seemingly right in front of us. A lot of secret messages were hidden in plain view and when they were discovered after hundreds or even thousands of years, researchers could sometimes decipher them and sometimes, the secret messages remained a mystery forever. Here are some bizarre secret messag

6 of the Most Haunted Cities on the Planet

The world is full of beautiful cities with rich histories and wonderful sights that will take your breath away. However, you might not have known that some of the most beautiful cities in the world are also the most haunted. Filled with ghosts, vampires and other mysterious entities, these cities are some of the scariest places on our planet. If you are planning on visiting these six cities, you s