8 Famous Characters That Were Originally Played by Other Actors

Movie roles are recast pretty frequently. It’s just part of the business, with someone not pulling their weight on the set, or the director deciding they aren’t right for the part, or even the actor just deciding the project isn’t something they’re really passionate about. But it’s pretty rare that iconic roles wind up being recast, with a few notable exceptions. Here are some of those incredibly

Fantastic Four Reboot / Who Makes up the Ultimate Fantastic Four? – Infographic

On August 6th the Fantastic Four Reboot hit the big screen and already it has smashed the $25million mark!

Top 10 Most Inexplicable Nude Scenes

Some movies, like Basic Instinct and Species, provide countless displays of gratuitous nude scenes, and that’s great because we expect them to. Conversely,

5 Great Chick Flicks for Guys

Most female oriented movies or “chick flicks” are like a slow acting toxin to men. However, over the course of a marriage or perhaps an excessively long couples weekend, you’re going to have to watch one. These are your best options.

Best Bollywood Music Movies

Whether you have watched hundreds of Bollywood musicals or if you are completely unaware of Bollywood's existence, this is the...

The Ten Movies With Forgotten Sequels

Sequels are one of the facts of life in Hollywood, just like gay actors pretending to be straight, executives ruining everything, and Michael Bay being a hugely

6 Movie Plots Which Could Have Been Solved by a Minor Character

We get a certain pleasure from the basic movie formula, where our main character meets adversity or intrigue, struggles against it, and eventually overcomes that problem, hopefully a little wiser. But that enjoyment can be shortlived when you realize there never should have been a problem in the first place…

5 Great Soundtracks Made for Horrible Movies

Film composers have a tough job. When they’re good at doing their job you might not even notice them because they’re so good at immersing you in the experience. And when the movie is complete crap, nobody is going to go see it just for the score... even if it kicks as much ass as these did.

Album Synchronicity: a Guide to a Favorite Stoner Hobby

Stoners are always making innovative and unique discoveries. New ways to grow w**d, new ways to smoke w**d, new ways to conceal w**d… if it’s w**d-related,

5 Controversial Films (That Helped Shape the Medium)

Film has always been a medium to challenge the status quo, and pushing boundaries has shaped the industry and our entire perception of the role of film.