Weekly Links #5

1. Benjamin Button Monkey - Sad Ugly Monkey2. Costume Fails - Fail Photos3. Very strange baby costume - Photo Gallery4.

10 Families Who Killed Together

The family that plays together stays together so what does that say about those folks who get a little rough? The mothers who arm their offspring, the brothers

5 Journalists (Who Gave Everything for the Story)

The world of journalism is a tumultuous one, and journalists themselves are seen as something of a mixed bag. For every hard hitting Woodward or Bernstein

5 Weird Political Parties

For as long as there have been political parties there have been joke political parties that poke fun at democracy with silly policies and insane promises. Most

Five Warnings That Went Ignored

People like to think that the future is uncertain, and that when bad things happen, they couldn’t have been avoided. These people beg to differ.

10 Weird Product Placement

Product placement, sometimes called “embedded marketing”, is a form of advertising where an ad is placed somewhere that is usually devoid of ads, often

You’ll Never See Creepier Masks and Helmets Than These

There's something inherently unnerving about hiding one's face, but some masks and helmets go the extra mile—often times unintentionally. Even when their purpose isn't malicious these eleven examples are amongst the creepiest masks and helmets in history.

5 Examples of Historic Horcruxes

Before Harry Potter puzzled its younger fanbase with complicated explanations of split souls and objects of power, the same concept had been floating around in movies and literature for some time. Here are four examples.

9 People You Don’t Want to Meet in a Dark Alley

Picture yourself walking down a pitch black alley on a cold and wet evening. The smell of garbage is in the air and you are traveling in one of the most

Five Plant Defense Mechanisms (That Backfired)

We don't actually get most of our drugs from labs, believe it or not. No, we get most of our drugs from the natural world, namely plants. And most of those