How To Create Drum Tracks ─ A Beginner’s Guide For Non Drummers

Before diving into the intricacies of creating drum tracks, it's crucial to familiarize ourselves with some basic drumming terminology. By...

Top 4 Things to Consider When Upgrading to an Electric Bike

Electric bikes, also known as e-bikes, are becoming exceptionally popular these days. It’s not surprising, as gas prices keep rising...

5 Things Teachers Lied to You About Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus is famous as the man who discovered the New World, better known today as North America. While it’s been established that some of the things you were taught in elementary school about the man were exaggerated a bit, there remain numerous details about the man and his life that you probably never realized were altered, skewed, or altogether fabricated. We suppose the best lesson

4 Strange Curses in the Bible

While now relegated to horror movies and sports teams, curses used to be serious business. Since they’re based on hocus pocus and nonsense, the Bible naturally covers them in great detail.

The Five Worst Fathers in the Bible

Crappy dads are nothing new. For every father that neglects his kids to watch NASCAR, there was a dude a couple hundred years ago that sold his into bondage. Don’t believe us? Read your Bible!

3 People Who Actually Predicted the Future

Lately, with the Mayan 2012 Apocalypse scheduled to rip humanity a new asshole in less than 3 years now, the idea of clairvoyance has been hotter than 2

4 Strangest Books in the Apocrypha

When people say that they believe every word of the Bible a good way to make an enemy is to ask “which one?” Turns out not only are there many different versions of the Good Book, there’s also dozens of parts that got left on the cutting room floor. Naturally, some of them deserve to be there more than others…

7 Religious Groups That Shun Mainstream Ideas

1.Christian UniversalismYou may often hear pastors yelling about how “if you don’t let Jesus in your heart, you will burn in Hell for eternity”.

6 Badass Gods From Mythology

Forget love and forgiveness, when it comes to the almighty ancient people knew that the best gods were the ones to be feared.

10 Bizarre Biblical Disasters

LinkWe’re using the word “disaster” to describe any massive loss of life, whether God directly or indirectly causes it, and whether it’s a natural