The 5 Worst Words Ever Used in Food Advertising

Advertisers will try anything to get you to part with your, let’s say hard earned, cash. With boldness comes the possibility of failure. And with failure comes internet lists that mock those failures…

9 Real-Life Castaways (More Badass Than Tom Hanks)

If you’ve ever seen the movie “Castaway”, you know that being stranded leads to resourcefulness, loneliness and probably a lot of off-camera self-pleasure. These nine people also got marooned, but were too awesome to cry about a lost volleyball.

The 15 Stupidest Ways People Died (Thanks to Alcohol)

There’s nothing wrong with having a drink now and then. Heck, you might be half in the bag right now. But you might want to exercise some caution, as these horrible examples demonstrate how the hooch can lead to some epic failure.

5 Out of the Ordinary Vacation Spots

Looking for a unique place to get away from it all? Why not come back with the kind of vacation story that will make your friends question your sanity by visiting one of these spots?

7 Strange Creatures of the Sea

What lurks beneath the black and blue ocean depths? As it turns out, a lot of freaky creatures, and these are just the ones we know about!

The 5 Strangest Ways in Which People Died at Work

A bad day on the office might mean a long meeting or a nasty papercut for many people. For others, through terrible luck or professional grade foolishness, it might mean their lives.

The 6 Biggest Things Decided by a Single Vote

Think one vote never made a difference? Prepare to feel guilty about not making it to the polls as you read about the most important close shaves in democratic history.

5 Most Awesome Crashes in NASCAR History

A comprehensive list of exactly why you should be watching the sport of the south. It’s not a sport until somebody might get seriously hurt.

6 Ways Pets Keep You Thin

In this world, there are pet people and there are… not-pet people. Then, of course, there are people who treat their pets better than their own children, but

4 Ongoing Protests

What follows is a collection of four ongoing protests and some of the more memorable moments they’ve provided. While they are ongoing (or are claimed to be