8 Prettiest Nations in Europe

It might be hard to tell the difference between women in Europe, but every man with a keen eye will tell you exactly why these nations have the prettiest women.

12 Homes for People Who Never Want Visitors

Sometimes, solitude is an absolute delight. It’s okay to be social and friendly most of the time, but now and then you just want to have some time to yourself. And let’s not even get started on the whole concept of people dropping by your house unexpectedly when all you want to do is lounge around on the sofa with your pants off, which we’re pretty sure is the dream of any man in the world.

8 Absurdly Innovate Ways People Have Built Homes

It seems like these days most homes are of the cookie cutter variety. Drive around any neighborhood and the houses all look the same, and apartments aren’t much better. There’s simply not much by way of originality or uniqueness out there when it comes to the real estate market. Except it turns out, there absolutely is. You just need to be innovative and creative. It also helps to have a ton of ca

10 Urban Legends Some People Actually Still Believe

It’s always fun to talk about myths and legends. In a lot of cases, they’re simply more fun than reality. Of course now and then a fake story will get passed around as fact despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. Most of these stories are easy enough to debunk, but now and then you run into some that seem just plausible enough to be real.

5 Awesome Things Built by Prisoners

If you were stuck in a small room 23 hours a day, you’d probably look for something to do. Maybe you’d work out, maybe you’d find religion, or maybe you’d spend your time building some pretty awesome stuff…

5 Athletes Who Died Performing

Nobody wants to die. But since you have to, you probably want to die doing what you love. These athletes did, and we salute them.

Six Blown Sports Calls

Sports fans are a passionate bunch. The can fondly recall in vivid detail all of their favorite team’s most glorious moments… and are usually even better at remember calls that should have gone their way.

5 More People That Make Our Commute Suck

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: the only thing standing in the way of successful public transportation is the public.

7 Most Brutal Knockouts in Boxing History

Get ready to rumble. We’re taking you, blow-by-blow, on a journey back through history’s hardest knockouts. Remember to stick and move.

5 Tourism Attractions for the Suicidal

Call us crazy, but our idea of a lovely vacation is to sit ourselves down somewhere warm, sandy, adjacent to a body of water and imbibe heroic quantities of whatever local intoxicant is available. Oh, and also to not die.