Three Bizarre (And Failed) Coups

Power struggles often develop into flat out coup attempts. When successful, they can very well shift the course of history with a simple change of who is in

10 Most Used Imagined Languages

Occasionally, a work of fiction is so inventive it needs more ways to express itself than possible with just the speech it’s written in, and a new language is

5 People That Have Been Eaten by Animals

There are people that have strange animals as pets and then there are wild animals that look at humans as food. The animals that look at us as food are the

5 Journalists (Who Gave Everything for the Story)

The world of journalism is a tumultuous one, and journalists themselves are seen as something of a mixed bag. For every hard hitting Woodward or Bernstein

Dexter’s Big Bads: From Best to Worst

The Guinness Book of World Records was created to end arguments in pubs. Internet lists ranking characters from TV shows were created to start them. Dexter fans: discuss.

Top 10 American Muscle Cars

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="267" caption="Ford mustang - 1965"][/caption]With the popularity of the new Fast & Furious film and the

12 Things That Look Like Hitler (That Shouldn’t)

We’re taking a stand here: Hitler was a bad guy. But he’s also the closest thing the world has ever had to a supervillain. His powers weren’t great (kind of a Lex Luthor thing) but damn if he didn’t have an iconic look that we recognize even to this day.

12 Integral Items For Your First Aid Kit – 2024 Guide

Accidents and mishaps are unavoidable in life. They're expected in nature and can happen to anybody. And if they are...

4 Strange Cases of Plagiarism

Anyone who's ever been in the public school system can tell you that plagiarism is bad. Not only are you going to lose your credits, but now that we live in the

15 Weird Necklaces

Ah, the humble necklace. Perhaps one reason the necklace has proven to be such a timeless form of jewelry is its versatility – anything that can be worn