15 Unintentionally Hilarious Newspaper Headlines

Ah, the noble art of journalism. For the men and women who answer the call to this unique profession, life is often a struggle. People hate you because they

Makeup Artist Transforms Her Face Into Her Favorite Cartoon Characters

Laura Jenkins is a London based brilliant makeup artist who brings various cartoon characters to life on her own face, or to be more precise on her mouth. This is what happens when you have a makeup artist who is also a true cartoon enthusiast and has kept her inner child alive. Leave her alone with her makeup for just enough time and it is inevitable that at some point she’ll decide to address he

8 Sweet Perks of Being a Nerd

Cleanliness is next to godliness, but nerdiness is next to awesomeness. Check out eight reasons those high school beatings might have been totally worth it.

6 Internet Memes That Will Lead to World Domination

Interestingly enough, the idea of "meme" has been around for more than a hundred years. But only in the past couple has it become the hilarious, ubiquitous

6 Ways College Will Ruin Your Life

According to basically everybody you talk to, college is the best four years of your life. While it might seem like it for some, for others it’s simply a convenient way of derailing your entire life.

Dance Central for the Kinect: Learning Tool or Humiliation Device?

Unless you've been living under a rock with no internet connection (and we personally know a couple of rock-based locations that have excellent coverage),

6 Funny Things About Dating Websites

There's nothing quite like signing on to a dating website for the first time to make you feel like you've hit rock bottom. Expect to have thoughts like "Why

5 Types of Jokes

If you want to make people around you laugh and have a great time, just tell them a joke. We...

7 Awards You Could Win (For Failure)

Almost every profession has its own awards honoring the best and the brightest. Science and Literature have the Nobel, Journalism has the Pulitzer, and Cinema

Terrible Valentine’s Day Gifts

Valentine's Day is, among many other things, a sham. Look at it: if you're not in a relationship by the time it hits, you're absolutely rocked. If you are in a