19 Strange Architectural and Construction Gaffes

Architecture is a difficult profession, and we don’t think for a second we’d be able to just jump right in and do it ourselves. It requires skill, precision, and a whole lot more math than we’ve ever used, and about the closest we’ve ever come is building a few pillow forts. But everyone makes mistakes now and then, and that includes architects and engineers, and the results, quite predictably, ar

12 Things That Look Like Hitler (That Shouldn’t)

We’re taking a stand here: Hitler was a bad guy. But he’s also the closest thing the world has ever had to a supervillain. His powers weren’t great (kind of a Lex Luthor thing) but damn if he didn’t have an iconic look that we recognize even to this day.

13 Strangest Things on Google Street View

Google Street View has done a lot of good: they’ve made maps available to everyone for free… They’ve made it so kids today don’t have to deal with Mapquest’s bullshit… and they’ve catalogued a great deal of insanity along the way.

Six Things That Make Getting Tasered Look Awesome

Never ones to back down from a challenge, we’ve scoured the globe, the net, literature and the deepest pits of our souls to produce this list of things worse than 50,000 volts searing though your body.

7 Terribly Offensive Board Games

With all the violence, sexuality and vulgarity implicit with modern gaming, it’s no surprise that many people are still passionate about good ol’ wholesome board games. Games like…

6 Ways College Will Ruin Your Life

According to basically everybody you talk to, college is the best four years of your life. While it might seem like it for some, for others it’s simply a convenient way of derailing your entire life.

8 Sweet Perks of Being a Nerd

Cleanliness is next to godliness, but nerdiness is next to awesomeness. Check out eight reasons those high school beatings might have been totally worth it.

Five (Bad) Ways People Behave on the Web

In our previous article, we covered the terrible ways people speak on the internet, but language isn’t the only thing to suffer with the popularization of the

The 7 Worst Types of Gifts Ever

When it comes to shopping for gifts, you'd think that most of us would pretty much have it down to a science by now. After all, it's something that pretty much

Eight (Bad) Ways People Talk on the Web

The internet is perhaps the greatest achievement in the history of human communication. It has brought together people from all corners of the world in a manner