5 Strange Houses People Actually Live In

Some people just have to show off. A flashy car or an outrageous outfit are usually enough for most people to get the attention their deficient personalities cannot provide for them, but for the truly desperate/dedicate: only an elaborate and impractical house will do.

Carl Tanzler – Romancing the Dead

The bizarre story of Carl Tanzler and his twisted predilections towards love and devotion is something of a morbid pop legend, made even stranger by the fact

4 Significant Jewish Holidays

The term "holiday" usually means a day of rest filled with activities that contribute to our good mood. Therefore, holidays...

Comedy’s Hidden Agenda ─ ‘Lapor Pak!’ as a Conversation Starter

In cultures spanning from west to east, comedy has often been the unsung bridge linking disparate thoughts, addressing taboos, and...

13 Crazy World Records You Won’t Believe People Bothered to Set

These are the people who work on breaking and re-breaking world records that no one in their right mind would ever even consider as a legitimate thing. You know, the records that are set by people who have to be either extremely demented or excessively lonely, though chances are with most of these records it’s a little bit from both columns. Here are some of the most absurd records anyone has ever

7 Terribly Offensive Board Games

With all the violence, sexuality and vulgarity implicit with modern gaming, it’s no surprise that many people are still passionate about good ol’ wholesome board games. Games like…

8 of the Strangest Uses for Drones

Drones aren't going away anytime soon. Though once thought of as weapons of war they've found their way into the consumer market, giving civilians the chance to pilot the machines themselves. So how has Joe Everyman re-purposed drones? This list covers ten of the more creative and unconventional ways drones have invaded our lives and may change the future.

Weird and Funny Baby Behavior

Babies can act very weird sometimes. Since babies don't know what they are doing the only thing left is to laugh and enjoy their facial

2D vs 3D Animation: Which Type is More Effective?

Talk about the alleged confrontation between 2D vs 3D animation continues to this day, although there is no reason for...

3 Ways of Making a Case for Single-Player Games ─ Are They Becoming Obsolete?

The world of entertainment seems to gravitate to the online experience. You’ve got streaming platforms that you can access on...