10 Absurd Comic Book Crossovers

The time honored tradition of the comic book crossover has a long and rich history of not making any damn sense whatsoever. Characters who are popular at the

6 Ways in Which Superman Would Debate Batman on National Issues

Originally, superheroes would appear in comics doing supernatural things and this was considered thrilling enough. Nowadays superheroes spend most of their time dealing with “issues” and being edgy. Between these two trends was a very dark time… when superheroes did everything we do… but SUPER.

Four Comic Book Movies (Fans Would Like to Forget About)

Spurred by the death of original thought, the comic book movie has become almost as popular as sequels and remakes in Hollywood. In recent years, through

5 Freakiest Things Ever Done by Superheroes

Even though superheroes are incredibly popular today, the original comics were released a long time ago. The stories have changed a lot over the years, and some really strange things happened to your favorite characters that you've probably never even heard about. Some comics really pushed the limit by introducing some insane and even absurd things in the stories, so here are 5 of the most bizarre

5 Comic Book Spinoffs (That Never Should Have Happened)

When a comic book becomes incredibly popular, the only logical thing a publisher can do is create a spin-off exploring other characters. Sometimes you get a

5 Reasons Why Bane Is Secretly a Really Lame Villain

Bane. Awesome name, kinda not as awesome a villain. Sure he’s got muscles and some pretty good brains to boot, but was he ever really that great an adversary for the caped crusader? Take a look at the facts before you decide…

The Five Superhero Reboots

Superheroes have been with us since the 1930s. With their simple morality, bright costumes, and science-mangling powers, we've had literally thousands of

10 Weird Superheroes You Might Not Have Heard About

All superheroes are a little weird - weird superheroes. They come from different planets, or they’re mutants, or perhaps they gained their abilities through

7 Insane Alternative Versions of Popular Superheroes

Handling comic book superheroes is a little bit like having sex, no matter how insanely incompatible the two might seem. With both fictional heroes and sex you

5 Terrible Sidekicks

Behind every good super-hero is a great sidekick. But behind every great sidekick is a long line of chumps who just couldn't make the cut as Robin the Boy