5 Spooky Mountain Mysteries No One Can Explain

There are many stories and legends about strange things happening in mountains all around the world. A majestic and isolated quality makes mountains seem like the ideal place for weird and creepy things to happen, especially if they are located far away from civilization. Here are some scary and bizarre mysteries that happened in the mountains and were never explained or solved.

12 MORE of the Weirdest Frogs

In our previous article we wrote about some of the weirdest frogs imaginable. For this sequel entry we actually sent a research team into a local swamp for a

9 Essential Things Every Dog Parent Should Know

Settling for a pet, especially a puppy is always exciting news! It is always great to have a new member...

Bizarre Mammals

There is a massive variety of life on this planet. Animals form only a portion of the biodiversity we see, and with that, only about 5% of species are

These 12 Photos Prove How Strange Nature Is

For all the things we think we know about the world around us, some things in nature are still inexplicable. But even in instances where we know what's going on, we can't help but be awed by it. These twelve photos show some of the most bizarre, breath-taking photos of nature's strange goings-on.

5 Most Unique and Unusual Islands on World

For most of us islands hold a certain mystique. It could be their seclusion that entices us, or the perceived difficulty of reaching them. Others are relatively untouched and represent a a world lost in the modern age. For these reasons and many more, islands can be deeply fascinating. Here are some of the most unique examples.

How to Choose the Best Cat Repellent

If you are looking for a cat repellent, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the number of options available...

8 Animals That Could Be Movie Monsters

There are an untold number of species of animals on this planet of all sorts of description, yet out of the millions we know about, Hollywood seems happy to

10 Bizarre Pets

Everybody likes a pet, whether it is the “normal” kind, such as a dog, cat, rabbit or bird, to the strange, bizarre or exotic type. We can’t control what

4 Human Jobs Outsourced to Animals

As if Americans weren’t already irrationally afraid of all the best jobs being stolen by illegal immigrants, now they have to contend with the rest of the animal kingdom trying to horn in on their board meetings and casual Fridays…